Here’s What You Need to Know About the SSL Update and How it Will Affect Your Business
A more secure web is coming thanks to Google Chrome, and if you’re not prepared, your website could be in trouble.
We don’t mean to scare you — but this Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) update could have a serious impact on the amount of organic traffic you receive to your site unless you make the necessary changes to obey the laws of Lord Google.
Yes, Google is changing the internet once again. Here’s what you need to know about the upcoming change.
The new update for Chrome pertains to security and will come with version 68. The goal is that every site without an SSL will be flagged. And by flagged we mean that instead of your site showing up, Chrome is going to tell your visitor that your site is “Not Secure” and they’re entering a space of the web that could be unsafe. Those that have an SSL certificate will be pushed higher in organic search results. It won’t be a big factor, but every little bit counts, right?
For most sites, about 50% of traffic comes from Chrome. Imagine if all of a sudden half your traffic is met with a warning. How many people do you think will continue through when Google is telling them that something harmful could be waiting for their computer on the other side?
Currently, more than 68% of Chrome traffic on Android and Windows, and more than 70% of Chrome traffic on Chrome OS and Mac is protected. For sites that aren’t, or if you’re building a new site, you’ll want to pay attention. We’re repeating ourselves because this is important — typically half of your organic traffic comes from Chrome. You need to have an SSL certificate, or your site is going to be dinged. And for the traffic that comes from other browsers like Safari or Firefox, you can expect that they’ll follow suit shortly. Google leads the way, so it’s realistic to think that changes to their systems won’t be far behind.
If you haven’t figured it out already, this is a big deal. Without an SSL on your site, your bounce rate is going to go through the roof. Chrome is cracking down on web security because it matters now more than ever. We use the internet daily for just about everything, and this much usage demands better protection.
Internet users are more aware of dangers and threats than they were before. Meaning people are definitely going to leave when a warning shows instead of the webpage they expected.
What Does the New Chrome SSL Update Mean for Your Business?
Okay, got all that? Here’s a super quick punch list. Take a look at your site. If you have an http address instead of https, you will be flagged, and you need an SSL certificate on your site. There’s no way around it. They’re easy to get, and your IT department should be able to handle setting it up. You are going to have to pay for it, but don’t worry the cost is cheaper than ever before.
What’s an SSL certificate? Great question. If you want to know what a site with an SSL looks like, check out the web address bar on our site. This is a certificate that will protect you from being hacked and visitors from having their information stolen. It creates a secure connection between your site and a browser to keep information and data private.
An SSL will prove to Chrome that it’s actually talking to your site, not a site that’s pretending to be you. It also provides a confidentiality guarantee that any data your users provide on your site is not going to be given to any malicious third parties. On top of this, an SSL shows your browser that the data passed between the browser and the site isn’t being tampered with on its way back and forth.
What’s the good news in all this? Remember, an active SSL certificate will give you a boost in organic search results. It’s also going to help you build loyalty with your customers. People like to go where they feel safe, and if you can promise security on your website, you’ll be reinforcing return visits.
The bottom line is that if Google says you have to, you have to. Adding an SSL to your site will help prevent any headaches down the road because no one wants to receive the panicked call when someone reaches the “unsafe” page instead of your website. This update is coming up soon, so it’s better to take action now than wait until it starts causing a problem for your business.